Tuesday, September 9, 2014


When I was newly married and without kids my wife and I had our first 'fights.'  Honestly, we're not fighters in the sense people think.  We don't yell or say mean things, but we have, at times gotten silent, serious, and had difficult talks. 

It was a couple years into our marriage that we began having conflicts over how busy we were.  It continues to be a challenge for us, but we've come a long way in trying to help each other in this area. 

But I think you teens and young adults sometimes have it just as bad.  I once thought that busyness was just an adult problem, but you guys live in an era where packed schedules are more common than ever before in young lives.  You have sports practice, play practice, book club, traveling soccer, JO Volleyball, dance class, homework, family functions, friends, chores, part-time jobs, church, youth group, and the list goes on. 

I found a great article from The Plain Dealer's sports writer Terry Pluto that related to the subject.  He is a Jesus-follower and writes also about faith and daily life.  The following is one of his articles that, while intended for adults, I think would also encourage you to meet Father in the midst of a busy life.

Feeling Overwhelmed...by Terry Pluto

I was talking to a man named David who is one of the leaders of his church men's group.
We touched on the various subjects that men deal with, then he mentioned time.

"I just feel like there are never enough hours in the day," he said. "Then I look at the day, and I realize I hardly spent any time with God."

He said it in a weary voice.

I know the feeling.

At the end of so many days, I feel exhausted. And I also wonder what exactly did I accomplish?

This subject doesn't only apply to men. I know many women who are similarly overwhelmed.
Jobs. Kids. Grandkids. Elderly parents. Volunteering.


Many years ago, I remember a pastor talking about how Jesus "always had time for everyone." He was talking about how Jesus reached out to the poor, the lepers, the blind, the woman caught in adultery.

He did all those things.

But the fact is Jesus did not always have time for everyone.

Consider this from the book of Mark 6:31: "Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, (Jesus) said to the disciples: 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.' "

What I hate to admit is how much time I waste. I will be working on a story, scanning the web for information on the Browns quarterbacks -- and the next thing I know, I'm reading about author James Lee Burke. Nothing wrong with reading about Burke, but it was not helping me finish my work.

After leaving Burke and returning to the dreaded quarterbacks story, I was thinking, "Why is it taking me so long to write this story?"
The answer was obvious and humbling: I was distracting myself.
At the end of so many days, I feel exhausted. And I also wonder what exactly did I accomplish?

But usually, our time is chewed up by commitments. And we sacrifice rest, prayer, peace and quiet.

Do we have to answer every text, every email, every call -- right away?

Psalm 31:14-15: "I trust in you Lord... 'You are my God.' My times are in your hands."

On one level, many of us would agree with that point. No one lives forever. Tomorrow is promised to none of us.

But I do know that when I don't spend time with God, when I don't just stop and take time to think -- I can become very grumpy and make some very poor decisions.

A life-changing quote for me came from author Stephen Covey (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People), "Whenever we say yes to something, we say no to something else."

 Sometimes, we have to say NO to a good thing for something that is BETTER. In the case of Jesus, it was to pray and relax by Himself.

Consider Luke 5:15-16: "Yet the news about him spread all the more so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed."

Jesus didn't please everyone. He did NOT meet everyone's needs.

For many us, the problem is that we want to be liked. We don't want to disappoint someone. So we over-schedule. We get tired. Then we become resentful: "Why did I ever agree to do this?"

Here are a few thoughts:

1. We don't have to serve on every committee and in every ministry. PICK ONE and do it RIGHT.

2. Every child doesn't have to play on every traveling team. Every child doesn't need to take part in every activity that appeals to her. Sit down and make the child pick what makes sense for both of you. We don't work for our children.

3. If you want to have a Godly home, consider making that clear to your kids. Suppose your daughter wants  to spend so much on a prom, that you need to take out a home equity loan. Or your son wants to go to a sports camp that costs more than what the Indians pay Nick Swisher. Ask yourself what God would think of that type of investment. Tell them of financial sacrifices that you have made, settling for less than all of what you wanted – and you did it because that's God's way.

4. The fact is that some of these things won't make you liked, but it will lead people to respect you.

A final point about time management. Consider James 1:5: "If any of you lack wisdom, you should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to him."

How often do we pray over our schedules? Jesus did it when he "slipped away to pray." There are times when we need to do the same.

Here's the link to the article: http://www.cleveland.com/pluto/index.ssf/2014/08/terry_plutos_faith_you_feeling.html

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