Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Three Letter Word-Part 7

Let’s address a big topic that no one likes to talk about.  It has lots of humorous (or disturbing) nicknames, but the official name is masturbation.  What is a Christian to do with this issue?  It has been said that half of all males do it and the other half are lying.  Plus, it is not always just a male issue. 

I do have an opinion on the subject.  It has changed dramatically from what I once thought.  But, that being said, I’m not going to state it here. 
I just want to present to you the fact that there are a variety of opinions on what Christians think about the subject. 

First, the traditional Christian view is this: masturbation is sinful.  There are varying reasons why some Christians believe this.  Some argue that it is impossible to do without lustful thoughts and that’s the problem.  Others say that it is addictive and therefore a bad idea.  Still others say that you increase your struggle with lust by masturbating.  And finally, others say that one should not experience sexual pleasure outside of marriage even if you’re by yourself. 

Second, a growing trend amongst Christians is the view espoused by James Dobson, former president and founder of the well-respected Focus on the Family ministry.  He believes it is a natural thing.  It should only be done occasionally as a way to release tension that is biologically driven.  People who propose this view often argue that it helps males (though it may help some females too) to avoid getting involved with other unhealthy sexual behaviors because masturbation allows you to take the edge off.  There is one caveat here and that is that this view believes that it should be done without fantasy (lust, in their view), or images.
Finally, there are some who feel that masturbation is quite honestly a non-issue.  Like the above theory they feel it is a natural part of most males and even some females.  The question of what exactly is lust is something I’ll try to address in an upcoming post.  These Christians, like some of the others, are concerned that there is too much unnecessary guilt in this area that leaves believers feeling distant from God.  They feel this is not right and only separates us from our ability to share our sexual journey with our Savior.

So what should you do?  Refer to the post where I mentioned sources of wisdom.  Talk to God about it, read up on it, and, if you can, talk to some people you respect. 

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