Monday, January 11, 2016

Is peace possible during finals?!

Exams.  Woo hoo!

Just fills the mind with delight, don't they?!

Not quite.

In fact, I had a student in speech class today deliver a speech about a school that brought in therapy dogs for students to help them relax between final exams.  Apparently, stress and finals are enough of a concern that people concoct weird remedies.

I'd like to offer an alternative.

Okay, let's answer the question: what is stressful about finals?

Well, it affects your grade.

Ok, What is stressful about a grade being affected?

Here's where the root really is.  The answer is one of three things (or a combination).
1. Parents may be upset.
2. It might affect your college (and eventual job) prospects
3. You may be upset with yourself

Paul, a guy who experienced a lot of old friends and family being upset with his faith switcheroo, wrote the following: "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.  For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God."

The "you" that died is the you that used to live in the world's system, the system that judges worth on accomplishment and acceptability.  For those of you who have followed Christ from an early age, you may not recognize that this part of you ever existed.  Some, like myself, experienced it for many years before receiving Christ.  But even if you don't remember it, I'm sure you can recognize it's tug.  It's the pull that says, "Please her, please him, do this, don't do that, make sure you have this person's approval."

When it comes to exams, the ultimate question is "Whose am I?"  See, if you're a Jesus follower, your life is hidden with Christ in God.

You rest there.

You are whole there.

You are loved there.

You are accepted there.

We don't always realize the position we're in.  That's one of many reasons Paul writes and reminds the folks in Colossae to "set your hearts on things above" and "set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."

You see, it takes work to believe the truth, that God's assessment of you is what matters.

If you can settle where your soul is at rest (hidden with Christ in God), then exams can just be that: exams.  They don't determine your worth or your happiness.

Now you can tackle them for what they are: a way of representing what you learned this semester.  Yes, you'll still be anxious, because you want to do well.  Everyone gets anxious at a performance whether a concert or basketball game.  But you don't need to let it determine your worth.

So, go do a good job on those finals, but remember: set your hearts on things above.

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