Sunday, October 5, 2014

Dirty Dancing at Dances

I can still picture it: having to break up a couple that was grinding on the dance floor.  I hate
chaperoning.  When Beth was still teaching at LW I would have to chaperone the yearly Spanish dance with her, and, of course, we had to play 'dirty dancing' police.  

As soon as Beth stopped teaching I never chaperoned again.   

Is suggestive dancing really bad?  Inherently, I'd say no.  Much like using the F-bomb isn't inherently sinful.  Swearing really bothers a lot of people, but that doesn't make the word somehow evil.  

So, just because someone might make sexual movements while dancing, doesn't mean they're sleeping around.  

The issue in both cases is: what does it say about you to others?  

In much the same way that your speech gives people an impression of you, so do things like how you dance.

A common response is this: 
I don't care what people think.

This kind of attitude is a virtue, but only when it comes from a desire to do right or be true to values.  

Jesus calls his friends, "a city on a hill" and "a lamp on a stand."  You mean something to the world.  That's actually a cool reality.  It's quite amazing when you take seriously the fact that the manner in which you live your life speaks a message to those around you.

Jesus put it this way, "Let your light shine so that others will see your good life and praise the Father."

Father will speak his love to those around you in part by how you live your life.  

Let me be clear, though, since we're talking about suggestive dancing.  This is not an anti-sex message.  We are all created sexual beings.  We have feelings and desires that are in us that are both wonderful
and confusing.  But the question is: how does your sexual side look in the public sphere?

Let's use the example of sexual jokes.  A guy who uses them frequently will come to be seen as someone who glorifies sex.  A guy who has a sense of humor, but also treats girls sweetly and kindly, will come to be seen as a guy who is romantic.

'Dirty dancing' glorifies sex instead of romance.  Have you ever noticed how even elegant dancing has some sensual elements to it?  Couples doing figure skating routines are a good example.  There are caresses, dips, hands on waists, and intimate embraces, but it's somehow...beautiful.  

To me, public romance praises the beauty of love.  Public sexuality praises the mechanics of the body.  To speak nothing of musical tastes, this is the difference between Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus.   

So, "right or wrong" is irrelevant in this case.  I won't lay down some "line" when certain dancing is sin.  As a Jesus-follower, I'm not looking to just follow a list of rules.  I want my life to mean something to others and that means I need to be aware of what it is saying to those around me.

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