As a girl, you may find yourself attracted to guys that are bad for you. That might seem odd, but it happens all the time.
Girls fall for 'bad boys' a lot.
It makes sense, though, because there's something exciting about the rebellious, ambitious nature of these guys. It's "hot," as they say. Nice guys seem boring.
But remember this: the nice guys are men too. They can also be ambitious and exciting, but you have to give them a chance to show it. It may not come out in tattoos, risky actions, or nasty pranks. It may come out in grand visions for their futures, ambitions for careers, a passion for music or art or theatre or technology. Nice guys can be great boyfriends. Plus, they're less likely to use you! Remember, "nice" means they know how to relate well. Bad boys simply know how to be cool on the popularity street.
My wife admits to dating a drug-using bad boy in high school. She always hoped she could change him. It didn't work (it rarely does), and she got hurt.
While "bad boys" seem tough and confident, it's often a façade. They don't know how to face real life challenges with confidence, actually. The 'nice guys' often know the real world-the one where there are jobs and responsibilities. These are guys that will have the heart and guts to eventually take care of a woman, romance her, and make her a truly happy life.
The immature bad boy, however, won't translate well into a twenty-something guy with a vision for a future. Once they catch their 'hot chick' and marry her, they don't always know how to keep winning her heart, or how to provide a good life for her.
Do yourself a favor and don't jump on the bandwagon of attraction. It does cue you into something you like, but try to find that attribute in a guy that also has qualities that make him worth your time.
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