Friday, August 16, 2013

Jesus didn't think He was awesome

So we're on vacation with my parents and my brother's family in Holden Beach, North Carolina.  It's so amazing down here!  This morning Beth and I went for a walk before our girls got up.  As we were walking a security guard car came driving down the road.  He stopped by us, rolled his window down and said, jokingly in his southern accent, "You're not walking fast enough."

His name was Oscar.  We then had a fun conversation through the passenger window about kids.  He asked about what my wife was having.  We said we didn't know.  He said, "It doesn't matter.  Jesus knows and He'll take care of that little one."  We found out he and his wife raised nine kids, all girls!

We talked some more and off he went.  We were touched by this stranger's politeness, sweetness, humor, and faith.

Jesus didn't think He was awesome.

Did it ever bother you when you read a story about Jesus doing some sweet miracle and then He tells people not to say anything about it?  What's up with that?

Even when He has that monumental conversation about "Who do you think I am?" He does it with his twelve buddies, not the public.

Jesus and Oscar have something in common and it's so different from the way I feel I was taught to share Christ.  I've always thought that the way to get people to Christ is to live such an awesome life that people will get so freakin' jealous that they'll want it too.

So, the more you don't swear, the more sweet you are, the less you drink, the nicer music you listen to then people will be banging on your door to find out more!!!

Maybe Jesus and Oscar have a better idea.  Instead of trying to show off how good they are, they decided to just love people.  In fact, Oscar smoked (oh no!), but that didn't alter the generous love we felt from him.  Shortly after he drove away from us he stopped and chatted with someone else along the road.  This guy didn't have an agenda.  He was just reaching out to people and seemed to enjoy it!

I write this to myself.  When people come to our house I often find myself trying to show off what a great family we are.  What's up with that?  I do think we're a great family, no doubt, but I want to instead be focused on our guests.  How can I make them feel welcome?  How can I encourage them? What questions can I ask them to give them a chance to talk about what's on their minds?

Oh, to be like Jesus and Oscar.

1 comment:

  1. Oscar makes me think a lot about Bob Goff in the book you gave me. With Jesus, Bob, and Oscar it was so blatantly obvious that their love for people was/is so genuine. It just over's all up in your face. What I love about that is their personality is the type that makes you feel so comfortable. Like you've known them for years.
    They're the kind of people that leave such a huge impact on you and encourage you to be more selfless. Not saying that everyone is fake, but maybe we try too hard to do what we know what is right and true instead of genuinely wanting to do a point where we don't even think about it. Or wonder if it's "christian enough."
    Part of that is the condition our relationship with God is in. I think if our relationship is strong, genuine, and we try our hardest to trust Him, then the love we have for others would be part of who we are because we have God in us.
