Thinking about school? Yeah, me too. Trying not to think about school? Yeah, me too.
Who has it harder? Student or teacher? I'd say student, especially you freshmen.
Every stage of life has challenging questions. I'm in my late 30s. I'm trying to figure out how to do things I really want to do and value and also give my heart fully to my most meaningful relationships with my wife and my four little girlies.
When I was in my 20s I was trying to learn how to make a career work. I also was learning how to make my connection with my Abba (God) and my new wife grow even though life was becoming more routine.
In college I was just trying to figure out what I wanted my life to look like in terms of relationships, spiritual life, jobs, friendships, and so on.
And then there's high school. To me that's when I was trying to work out what Kurt Maechner was all about. What am I good at? What am I into? Who are the people I want to hang out with? What makes me different from everyone else? Do I fit in with other people?
It's funny, though, because the questions I just wrote about high school, are really the same questions I've asked myself through all the other stages of my life too. Of course, there are other life adjustments that come into play. But fundamentally every person on the planet is asking, "who am I?"
In high school you just don't have as many other things to cloud you from that question.
The challenge of high school is that, for most, it is the first time you have ever faced that question. Previously, the question never seemed to come up, or if it did, it was easily defined by your family.
Something about high school puts you on your own. Your family has, and will continue to, play a huge influence on your life. Now, though, begins the real chance to make your own choices.
And, guess what? God is not standing over you with a whip, waiting for you to screw up. He is cheering you on, running alongside you. You can look at this time and fear it, but that will either leave you a hollow person who does the 'right' things because you're afraid of what might happen if you didn't. Or you will be just as hollow because you ran from responsibility and ended up paying for it.
Instead, open your heart to the adventure that The Lord has for you. It is time to open your heart and say, "Sweet Abba, teach me. Walk with me through of all of this and keep my eyes wide with wonder as I look for You and as I look for me."
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