Sunday, December 13, 2015

Feeling Hurt and finding Home Base

I'm sitting here listening to an album from 1990.  Yep, old stuff.

It's funny.  We all branch out, but when times get hard we go back to home base, where we started.

For me, my human life began in 1976, but my true life began in November of 1990 when I asked Jesus to work in my life.

I've done lots of thinking and exploring over the decades since.  I love thinking and wrestling about the deep stuff of life.  All of that has been a part of my journey with Jesus and has deepened and enriched the way I see life, see my Father, and love.

But, today, as my wife and I feel some hurts my heart went looking for something to hold onto.  So many things that I have learned are helpful, but they just didn't give me a place to rest.  But then I went back to home base.  Home base for me is: the sense of peace and exhilaration I feel about following Jesus wherever He leads in this life.  Everything else comes around that.

I think about a song called "Keep Me Running" by Randy Stonehill (a different one from the one I sing in chapel).  I love the image of running through life, wind whipping my face, following Jesus, but in reality, being propelled by His ubiquitous presence as well.

It's where it all started for me: an aimless teen with lots of passion, but nowhere to go.  Suddenly at age 14, thanks to a friend, I heard that Jesus wanted me, yes me, to live my life for him.

And all of this came back to me at age 39 when I'm feeling hurt.  Home base just gave me the perspective and the impetus to keep running, keep running, keep running...after Him.  What a dangerous, but "worth-it" adventure.

If there's some take-away here, I'd say it's to ask yourself: do you have a home base?  And if so, what is it?  Where will your mind and heart go when hurt and despair tries to wrestle your soul to the ground?  Find that home base and cling to it.

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