When a guy marries a girl, he's all in. There's no separation between his married life and his 'other' life. However, as the years go by, there is a temptation to do what is called "compartmentalization." The idea is that, in order to maintain some value, but not supreme value, towards something, in this case a relationship, you have to put it into a compartment. That way you can ignore it at times and bring it out when you want it.
This is what happens to many people when it comes to God. They compartmentalize. People have their religious life and then the rest of life.
This leads to a dual world for people.
Instead, I'd recommend seeing your relationship to your Father and your life in general as one whole thing.
It's a beautiful thing when you're all in. When I made this switch in high school, my life was never the same. Suddenly, I had purpose, and a unity to what I was all about.
One key, though, is to not view God as a helicopter parent.
The term helicopter parent is used to describe parents who are constantly hovering over their kids, watching their every move, sticking their hands into their lives incessantly and never allowing them to make their choices.
Many of us view God this way, just as I did many years ago. If you see God like this you will have to compartmentalize, because you can't deal with people like that 24-7.
Instead, God wants to be your companion, a friend who walks through life with you. Jesus said, "I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead I have called you friends." -John 15:15
As you develop a friendship with God, you'll find a well of strength to make tough choices, and heart that can help bear your burdens, and an encourager to enable you to dare great and good thing.
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