You scare us...in a really cool way.
There is something so mysterious about a girl. We can't figure her out. She looks at things differently, sees the relationships differently, and has a way about her that is not like ours.
It inspires a sense of awe.
That awe pulls us toward her like one magnet to another. It's a trap, but we want to get caught. We need to know her, spend time with her, experience the world she lives in.
But something happens. If we marry that girl, over time, the things that seemed so mysterious can suddenly become annoying.
For example, my wife is big on hospitality. She invites people over, makes meals for them, talks and listens, and does everything to make them feel at home. For a number of years I found this annoying because it's so unlike myself. I didn't like the prep and clean up and disruption of my evenings.
But here's where it changed. A few years ago, I realized this: Beth's hospitality was one of the things that drew me to her. I loved how she made me feel so welcome, so comfortable, so able to open up. I also saw how she did that with other people. Her fragrance of love for God was so tangible in how she loved people. My life was changed by it.
From then on, I have supported her so differently when we invite people over because I see the amazing lover that she is.
Isn't this the story of our relationship with God?
We are initially moved by his power, his love, his sacrifice, but then, over time, we lose the awe because we're used to it.
But the heart can be stirred. We don't need to let our emotions wither away. We can stir the awe once again, and repeatedly.
So, remember again the craziness of the God of the universe loving you individually, the immensity of Jesus being nailed to a cross just to make a way to your heart, the tremendous peace you can have in life because Father cares for you, the unending power and leading the Holy Spirit gives you in tackling all the stuff of life, the incredible mission we get to be a part of on this earth with Him. All these and more are worth it to recall, relive, and re-feel.
Intimacy with my wife is something I am willing to work hard for. Intimacy with me is something my God works hard for. I long to do the same for Him.
Well put Mr. M