But while we know they're different, we guys are usually pretty stumped as to what the heck is going on inside girls' heads.
Let me focus on breaking the code on one specific difference.
Guys, when you've got something bothering you, what do you do? You try to blow it off or blow off
some steam through sports or video games or music or whatever. A lot of times you just forget about it. But if it won't go away you have to go into your 'cave' to work it out until you've got a solution.
Girls do something completely different. They want to talk.
Now, that may not seem that weird to you. You may be a guy that wants to talk to someone about what's bothering you too. You figure that's a good way to come to a solution.
Aye, there's the problem. If a girl (girlfriend, friend, sister, or even mom) is sharing her problems with you, you may find something weird happening. You'll be eager to offer her a way to fix the problem, or you'll have suggestions for dealing with it. Heck, you, as a guy, are a fixer by nature. You love to fix things!
But, what happens? The girl never seems satisfied. Or she may even get more upset when you try to offer advice. Sometimes it can even feel like she is blaming you when she shares her problems.
So, when a girl needs to talk, you must trust her: she just wants to talk. And you'll need to turn off your fix-it approach. If you keep dishing out advice it will make her feel like you don't care, which is exactly the opposite of what you're thinking, I know.
Honestly, here's the very best fix-it you can provide for her (you want to fix things for her, right?): Realize that listening and empathizing with her is the best medicine she needs. Let her get it all out
For both sexes, it's good to honor each other's differences and yet to accommodate them as well. Somehow I think Father planned it this way.
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