For freshman year homecoming I went with a bunch of friends
and, honestly, that was easy. It was my
sophomore year when it got complicated because, for the first time, I went with
a date.
Some of you are probably going with a date and, if you are
an underclassman, that may be a pretty new thing for you. So, in light of that, I wanted to throw a few
ideas out to the guys in particular.
Ok, so first, accept that it will feel a bit (or a lot)
awkward. You may like the girl you’re
taking, or you may not be sure. Or she
may like you, or you’re not sure, or she’s not sure. Ugh!
Regardless, you’ve got a chance to practice being a gentleman. That’s not an insignificant thing. That is a GREAT thing. There are a lot of men out there who are
selfish jerks, and, unfortunately, they give the rest of us a bad name. So, give men a good name and have fun
treating a girl like gold.
Let’s start with practicals:
Look and smell nice. How? Here’s a few things: wear deodorant, brush
your teeth reeeeally well, floss (seriously-bad breath is commonly from
unflossed teeth), cut your nails, shave (even if you don’t have much to shave
yet!), get a haircut, and my favorite: carry around Altoids. You know those “curiously strong mints” that
you can buy at Target. Keep a few in
your pocket. Pop one just before you
walk into her house. Pop one after you
are done with dinner. Pop one before a
slow dance.
Oh, yeah, and if you can get a hold of some cologne, spray a little bit on your hands and put it on your neck.
These details may seem so annoying since guys don’t usually
think a whole lot about appearance etc., but girls are impressed when a guy
does these things because they say to her: I am thinking about you.
Ok, so, what the heck do you talk about? Ask her lots of stuff. In fact, think beforehand about what
to ask her about. Want to treat a girl well? Talk to her and learn about her. I know we’re different, guys. She just has to flick her hair and wear a cute dress and we have melted. But her? She wants a guy to be interested in her: her thoughts, her life, her interests, her feelings. Now it’s just a dance. It doesn’t need to be deep, but there are a million things you probably don’t know about your date that would be great fodder for conversation.
to ask her about. Want to treat a girl well? Talk to her and learn about her. I know we’re different, guys. She just has to flick her hair and wear a cute dress and we have melted. But her? She wants a guy to be interested in her: her thoughts, her life, her interests, her feelings. Now it’s just a dance. It doesn’t need to be deep, but there are a million things you probably don’t know about your date that would be great fodder for conversation.
Now what if you have a date, but you go to dinner with
friends. Don’t ignore her. Don’t just talk to your guy friends at
dinner. Still ask her questions. Don’t interrogate her, but again, show that
you’re thinking about her.
Now, the dance. If
you’re a typical American male, you haven’t done a whole lot of ‘fast’ dancing
in your life. The same was true of me
when I was a freshman. This isn’t sage
wisdom here, but: try it. You’ll feel
like a dork, but just start moving your feet and don’t leave your hands
completely at your side. The easiest
thing is to try to mimic the people around you.
Slow dancing is much easier because you just have to rock. The awkward thing is: how much space between
you? It depends on the nature of your
relationship with your date. If you’re
not dating, don’t get too cozy. On the
other hand, don’t leave an entire ruler’s length between you. It looks and feels weird. It may feel strange to talk about this, but
accept that a little bodily contact is not a big deal.
Let’s be honest. You’re
touching a girl; it’s not something you do every day, unless you’re
dating. Needless to say, it will
probably turn you on. You’re not a
pervert for feeling that. You’re a
man. Still, it can make dancing feel a
bit ‘intense.’ A way to chill yourself
out a bit is to talk to your date. Find
something to laugh about. Make fun of
the couple across the floor that is dancing funny. Whatever.
Either way you’ll get your mind somewhere else and, plus, it will be fun
for you and your date.
What about your hands?
Again, depends on your relationship to your date. Are you just friends, or interested, but
still getting to know each other? Hands
on her back are the safest place. It’s
sweet, but not suggestive. If you’ve
been dating for a while, it may be okay to put your hands on her waist. It’s obviously more intimate so, just be
aware of what you’re doing.
Should you kiss her at the end of the night? Again, depends. Here’s just my opinion: if you’re not dating,
don’t. Maybe you want her to know that
you really do like her. You don’t need
to kiss her to let her know that. Here’s
a much easier, and, honestly a meaningful way, to let her know. Say this, “Hey, I had a really good time
tonight. Thanks for going with me.” She will melt like a slushy in the sunshine
if you say that. Then give her a hug. And if you’re really brave, say, “Let’s hang
out again sometime.” Cue the fireworks.
Ok, I know my readers aren’t big on posting comments, but,
if you’re a girl, it would be awesome to get any other recommendations here for
our guy readers. Thanks!