My Reaction:
I know someone whose daughter told everyone online she was pregnant. That gossip got around to me via a neighbor. It was just a joke, but we didn’t know that until much later. Translate this outside of social media: Googling a question or going to ask.com is so easy. Should I trust what they say?
I wonder: what will it be like for my daughters? When my oldest starts using the web (which she does not yet), will she trust a website over my opinion, or Wikipedia over her Bible?
Or are teens today more perceptive than we all think? Maybe they aren’t obsessed with technology 24/7 and actually know what to use the Net for and what not to. I don’t know. What do you think?
Do you or friends spend a lot of developing your online profiles?
What would happen if you didn’t keep up your profile?
Does social media tempt you to lie about yourself or others?