Did you ever see the movie A Few Good Men? It’s the one
with that famous scene where Jack Nicholson is in court and Tom Cruise is
interrogating him. Tom Cruise demands,
“I want the truth.” Nicholson yells,
“You can’t handle the truth!”
You know what was really weird about this flick? There was no romance. None.
Nada. I remember being so
impressed that a movie could be so good and so successful even without any
trace of a love story!
This is a worthwhile comparison: A Few Good Men was an influential movie without a love story, just
like you can have an influential life without a romantic relationship.
It’s interesting to note that:
Jesus didn’t have a girlfriend.
Why not? Heck, I
don’t know. I could come up with a bunch
of reasons, I guess, but it’s not really that important. I know God is not against romance. In fact, it happened to be His idea.
But, isn’t it cool to know that Jesus led a meaningful and
world-changing life without a significant other?
First let that be a comfort.
You are meaningful regardless of your Facebook relationships
status. When Jesus was baptized, His Dad
said, “This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased.” Your Dad says the same about you. Whether or not you’ve been on a date doesn’t
change this.
Let this also be a challenge. Don’t sit around pining away your life until
you can wear some cute guy’s sweatshirt.
Live an influential life now.
Learn to love your family. Learn
to love your friends. Learn, from the
Spirit, how to love that odd guy that you work with at the pool. Live a Jesus-kind-of-love and let them feel
the weight of that unusual experience.
Now, let’s play some reality here too. It’s not always easy to be single. My wife and I have a really good friend who
is 40 and single. No, she’s not
weird. She’s attractive and would be a
great catch for a guy. Yet, it hasn’t
happened. This has caused her some real
Still, we’ve seen her choose to live a meaningful life. She has tremendous influence on the people in
her apartment building. She teaches ESL
classes to foreign refugees at her church.
Yes, she would love to be married someday, but she’s making her life
count regardless of whether or not that happens.
The odds are that you will get married someday. Before that amazing beau comes along, though
(or even if they never come along), walk with your Abba today. Breathe in His fragrance and spread it around
to the person next to you.